Friday 20 May 2011

Finishing touches

I added a blink cycle and a wink to the jelly baby as it looked odd to have the eyes open constantly. On reviewing the animation I noticed that in a few places the arms became completely twisted around so some further keyframes were added to compensate for this. I also checked that the eyes were looking in the right direction and carried out some minor adjustmemts in places. As the animtion is to only be 30-60 seconds in length, but the song goes on for over 3 mins I had to choose a point in which to stop. The ideal time seemed to be at the words "...light it up like it's dynamite..." where it would be possible to create a fireworks display or similar.  For the purpose of this assignment I have not carried out this procedure as I felt it was superfluous to the personaltity of the character and would just be background noise.

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