I opted to have the jelly baby dance to some music. To enable me to be able to control the movements effectively I used the HI solver to attach some of the bone together. Trial and error was used to establish which bones were more effective attached together.
I added the sound track to the timeline using the track editor curve. This then enabled me to match up the movements more accurately with the music.
I carried out a test render to ascertain an approximate time limit for rendering but encounterd some unkown problems and 3DS Max became non responsive or shut down. I tried using different render set ups to no avail. To try and simplify the information being converted into the .avi file I removed the soundtrack as this could be added later in Adobe Soundbooth. After removing this file the rendering process became more responsive, however when I tried to import this into Soundbooth it did not recognise the codec.
I carried out a test render to ascertain an approximate time limit for rendering but encounterd some unkown problems and 3DS Max became non responsive or shut down. I tried using different render set ups to no avail. To try and simplify the information being converted into the .avi file I removed the soundtrack as this could be added later in Adobe Soundbooth. After removing this file the rendering process became more responsive, however when I tried to import this into Soundbooth it did not recognise the codec.